
Warning: hiatus


This weekend I leave to work at the beach for 5 or 6 weeks.  While this may sound like a vacation, I really will be working, and it will be very time-consuming.  I don't know how much blogging I'll get to do in that time (but don't worry -- when I am able to crank out an entry, I'll make sure to plaster it all over facebook and twitter so you don't miss it).

Because of the tangent-shaped void that will surely be in your heart, I've decided to give you some amusing reading as a substitute.  Two blogs from the past:

My 100 Words entries from 2003
These snippets are from my senior year in high school.  I went through some difficult stuff that year, but it's also when I became best friends with some people who are still my best friends, and it's when I started really having faith in God.  But you'll have to wade through a bunch of immaturity and comma splices.

My old Xanga blog
This was more similar to Tangent Space(s), but it was much more (annoyingly) personal and less tangent-oriented.  But if you enjoy personal blogs, me, and/or random spillings of words/thoughts/emotions, you might get some enjoyment out of it.  The blog existed from January 2005 to 2008.  Facebook and its note importation ultimately led to the blog's demise.

Well, I hope you enjoy these old ramblings from my youth.  If you have any comments on any of those writings, go ahead and put them on this entry.

Happy hiatus!

Me and some friends, at the time of 100 Words

1 comment:

  1. Glad to find mathematical proof on your Xanga blog that I am not a douchebag! I remember you telling me about the Baker-Mathieu theorem back in 2008 and that you had used me as an example in a blog post. Three-and-a-half years later, and I have finally seen the actual post!
