[Part 2: Who posted happy birthday on my wall?]
And now, the epic conclusion to my facebook wall research. I hope you've appreciated the unimportance of this exercise and sensed my overall mistrust of statistics and people's presentation of them. And yet, it's so fun to make graphs and talk about numbers. Seriously.
With that barrel of monkeys in mind, we move to the best facebook birthday topics I can give you -- questions about what people wrote on my wall to wish me well.
What did people post on my wall for my birthday?
It was much easier to create categories for this than for people's closeness to me (it just felt horribly wrong to toss around the idea of a "people I despise" category for my facebook "friends"). There were four natural categories that emerged (with a few sub-categories) as I looked at my birthday wall:
Standard The very, very basics. Ex.:
- Happy birthday!!
- Happy birthday man.
- Happy birthday, Jon! I hope you have an awesome day!
- Jon, it's your birthday!! I hope it's a blast!
- A video of a giraffe licking someone's face
- A philosophical rambling about the meaning of a facebook wall post
So, obviously there is a demarcation between "standard plus" and "entertaining." The first two categories (which we might call Level 1) require absolutely no thought or effort. The latter two (we could of course call them Level 2, but I'm now tempted to go with Latter 2, because it occurred naturally in the sentence) require thought, effort, and/or some level of actual friendship.
In summary, then, insofar as facebook birthday wall posts can be said to have any quality or value whatsoever, Level 2 posts come across (at least to me) as much more thoughtful and meaningful than those in Level 1. So, how did my recent birthday wall break down?
So, the sad reality of my social network, humanity, America, and Gen-X is that only 14% were willing to rise to Level 2 for my birthday. Kudos to those people.
About half the posts (52%) put me to sleep instantly, while another third (34%) caught my eye for a brief moment before causing me to doze off.
Another interesting factor(!)
Surely, you might think, there are ways to show you're excited for someone's birthday on shis wall other than creativity or personalized messages. No, you're mistaken. But a popular attempt to do so is to throw in some number of exclamation marks. I decided to monitor the concentration of this powerful punctuation on my birthday wall:
![]() |
This chart shows the number of people (y-axis) who used the indicated number of exclamation marks (x-axis). |
If the presence of exclamation marks can be trusted (it can't), at least 98 people were really excited for my birthday!!! One person, as seen on the chart, was ecstatic enough to somehow use 13 exclamation marks in one birthday post.
In total, 190 of these bad boys were thrown down for my birthday, for an average of 1.57 exclamation marks per post on my wall that day.
(Un)important conclusions and questions for you
If we can learn anything from my study (we can't), let it be this-- if you're going to write on someone's wall for shis birthday, take the extra minute to give a Level 2 message. If you can't reach L2 for that person, you probably have no business writing on shis wall.
Also, when it comes to exclamation marks, go big or go home. With an average of over 1.5 marks per message, tacking on one obligatory "!" at the end just isn't going to convey any excitement.
- What is your practice when it comes to writing on people's walls for their birthday?
Jon, thanks for keeping me entertained with this series. If it is someone I am close enough to send a text to then I usually do that in lieu of a Facebook post.
ReplyDeleteSomewhat oddly, I think I only write birthday wishes on the Facebook walls of those who I am closest with. These highly privileged (had to look up the spelling of that word...blame it on my current Spanish immersion) individuals will most likely receive, in addition, both a text wish and an in-person wish.
I am proud to say that I don't send any kind of birthday wishes to those individuals who fall into the "barely" and "none" categories as outlined in part 2.
I was so sure that the person who used 13 exclamation marks was Venezuelan that I went to your wall and checked. I was sad to find out I was wrong :( They tend to use so many of them in written communication, and I unfortunately have picked up that habit a bit. As usual, Jon, whatever you write is funny if it is seemingly (un)important.
ReplyDeleteAnswering questions got too involved. Also, I have an attention span of a gnat.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I do love the graphs. The only thing I love more than graphic representations are graphic representations of otherwise silly data.
Great series.
This is Blaine.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if the person with 13 exclimation marks was me? But anyhow I send my close friends text messages at about 0530 wishing them a Happy Birthday. Being sorry I have family obligations to attend to, not being able to share their birthday physically with them!
UPDATE: Case Study
ReplyDeleteI feel that I should tell you that I just posted a Facebook birthday wish on the wall of a girl who I worked with this past summer. We never even knew each other that and have had no Facebook activity besides the initial acceptance of friendship (and the occasional photo browsing--on my part, at least). As a birthday wish I wrote the following:
Happy birthday! Hope the job search is going well...any prospects?
What does this say about our relationship? Just that I am nosy? Please weigh in...
Tom, thanks for the update. I think that's a pretty legit birthday post. I mean, yeah it's a little suspect when your only interaction with someone is "happy birthday", but you asked a real question. It gives me the impression that she could respond and you guys could start a more meaningful friendship.
ReplyDeleteThe alternative, of course, is that she'll roll her eyes at your blatant only-communicate-on-birthday post and not respond. Or else the message could get lost in a bombardment of birthday messages.
I'm not sure how I supposed to weigh in. I hope that was in the right ballpark.
I feel like it would be interesting to cross reference the friends/family list with the lower percentage of people who made a Level 2 wish. Ideally all level 2 posts came from those people but it would be interesting if a 'barely' or 'unknown' friend posted a level 2.
ReplyDeleteFrom previous experience my facebook birthday wishes are contingent on 1. whether I notice it's someone's birthday 2. if I know them well enough to say anything. Chances are if both of them are met I'll try to send them a text or call them instead. Sadly though the first criteria is usually never met and I don't find out until after the fact when I thinks it's just weird to post an after-the-fact b-day message.
Anyways, thanks for brightening my day through this series.