
Cell phone pet peeves

Of all the technology we've grown used to, perhaps the one we take the most for granted is the cell phone.  It's with us everywhere, it's always on, and for personal calls, it has more or less replaced land line phones.  I sometimes find myself wondering, "What in the world would we do without cell phones??" 

But when I ask myself this (usually when my cell phone has bailed me out of a car that won't start or prevented me from driving 2 hours in the wrong direction), for some reason I forget that I only have to remember my adolescent years.  I'm pretty sure I got my first cell phone -- an awesome hand-me-down flip-phone from my mom -- my senior year of high school.  So for about 17 years, I lived in this almost unimagineable horror show scenario of life without a cell.

At any rate, by the grace of God this technology has abounded among all the peoples of the country.  We all have one.  We all use it every day.  But for some reason, there's no universal set of rules for this ubiquitous device.  Since we've already set out to make rules for facebook use, and since my friend Scot suggested this topic, let's declare (un)acceptable cell phone use.

Rules for your mobile (as they're often called "outside the States")

[Did you ever notice that if you want to sound like an awesomely pretentious world traveler, you just have to refer to the US as "the States"?  Try it.  It always works.]

1. We don't all have text conversation mode.  So don't "machine gun text" me.

Yes, iPhones, smartphones, and almost every phone other than mine have the wonderful ability to combine all your texts with one person into one long text conversation.  Mine doesn't.  So while your phone says:

Jon: Hey, you want to hang out this weekend?
Other person: No.
I've got stuff going on.
But maybe some other time.
No, wait.
I remembered, I don't like you.

Mine says, "You have 7 new text messages."  And I have to read each one separately.  In the reverse order that they appear in my inbox.  Also, in a short timespan my phone has vibrated 14 times.  So yeah... just condense that into one or two texts.

2. When I'm with you in person, keep your texting to a minimum.

Nothing says "I don't want to be here hanging out with you" more than a continual string of texts that takes precedence over what's actually happening in real life.

3. Don't text and drive.

This is becoming a law in most states, I think, so it should obviously make the list.

4. Feel free to talk on your phone while you drive.

Unless your state has outlawed this.  It's good to obey laws, for your sake and for the coherence of society.  But if your local legislators allow it, Tangent Space(s) isn't going to stop you: I do some of my best phone-talking while I'm behind the wheel.

5. Have your phone in an accessible place so that it doesn't ring 20 times.

It always baffles me when someone's phone goes off at an inopportune time/place (movie theater, church service, etc.) and it just... keeps... ringing.  Are people keeping their phones in little secret pockets that are buttoned closed somewhere inside their coats or purses?

Help me standardize our nation's cell phone use

Obviously, what I'm actually asking you to do is have fun with me and share your cell phone pet peeves and opinions.

What controversial cell phone tactics would you outlaw or approve?



  1. Just a tangent off of machine gun texting. Don't assume that just because your phone can do x y and z and I have a phone that mine can do x y and z. You can surf the web while using your phone a a gps as you drive on the parkway, good for you, but that doesn't mean that I can do that with my phone. Its barely able to text.

  2. I cannot stand it when someone has an obnoxious beep that resounds every time they get a text message. And it is not just ONE text message but an entire conversation. I feel like this annoying beep will never end!! If it was the occasional, "Hope your day is swell," or... "Don't forget to turn off the faucet when you're done using it!" I don't mind. I just say, when you're having a text convo, vibrate that son of a gun!

    Do you agree?

  3. I know the sound my phone makes when I get a text. Is exactly the same as our apartment doorbell. This tends to annoy my roommates, who keep opening a door expecting a smiling face and are left sad and alone. While I find this hilarious, I think they do not appreciate it.

  4. My pet peeve can be tacked onto rule number two. I have to sound off on this because I was guilty of it last week and feel like a tool: do not answer your phone and have a full conversation with the person on the other end while sitting [at a table] with real people. I realize "real people" may seem condescending. I mean it to be. Pay attention to the people right in front of you. Let's just follow mother's old rule and choose not to answer the phone during dinner.

    *Blanket apology to everyone I snubbed last week during the Maze outreach: "Sorry."
