
Facebook Pet Peeves

We can be honest here, right?  I hope so.  Because honestly, sometimes I feel like I live on facebook.  My life wasn't always like this, and I trust it won't always be.  But right now, as I work from home and some days have about 12 minutes of work to do, "home" and "facebook" can start to blur together.

I bring that up because A. as I just clarified, this is a place of honesty, and B. when you're home, you expect people to behave the way you want them to.  So the more that facebook feels like home to me, the lower my tolerance becomes for people who violate my internal set of facebook rules.

But I can't complain, because I've never explicitly told anyone what these rules are... until now.

Facebook Rules*^

1. You better use your last name. 

I've never really understood this.  For some reason, some girls (and only girls) feel compelled to be known on facebook only by their first and middle names.  I can only assume this has something to do with privacy, but with all the privacy settings available (including the ability to be invisible to any non-friend), I don't understand how there can be any real threat of stalking.

The reason this matters is because WHO ARE YOU??  When you come up on my newsfeed as Elizabeth Joy, Shannon Kristen, or Anna Lisa, I have no idea who you are.  The time it takes to visit your profile and use my detective skills to figure out who you are is time I could have been... um... I don't know, doing something better.

2. Can you change that wedding profile pic after, say, 6 months?

I'm sure your wedding day was the most wonderful day of your life.  And that's awesome.  But when you've been married for a year and you still have the same black and white picture of jumping down the aisle that you put up the day after the honeymoon...

Look, I know it's probably just the cynical, doesn't-like-weddings part of me talking.  But like I said, it's my home, so could you maybe change the picture after we've all lost our short-term memories of your big day?

Not to mention, haven't you done anything else fun this past year?

3. You can either invite a million people to an event or repeatedly send a message to all invitees, but not both.

Having a small get-together and need to send out 8 last-minute messages?  No problem.  But if you have, via your friends' friends' friends, invited 13,000 people to some charity barbeque, how dare you spam them all with message after message?  If I were willing to devote more time to this, I could probably make some equation that relates the number of invitees to the number of permissible mass messages.  But alas, even I have other things to do.

The real issue here is that the little red talk-bubble icon up in the corner is exciting.  When I log on and see that I have a new message, I'm happy.  But, seconds later, when I see it's some change in plans for the car wash I was never even considering attending, that happiness is instantly transformed to annoyance.

What's that?  You say it's all my fault for putting too much emotional stock in getting messages?  It's my home.  Get out.

*This is a list of rules for facebook, not simply a statement that "Facebook rules!!", though that is also true.
^These are rules for my guests, i.e. those people still on my newsfeed.  There are many, many more general facebook rules (e.g. no Farmville), but since violators of these rules are instantly and eternally banned from my home, i.e. removed from my newsfeed, such rules have been left for another discussion.

It's your home, too (or at least pretend it is)

What are your biggest facebook pet peeves??


P.S. If you didn't notice yet, check out the new pages at the top of the site under the Tangent Space(s) banner.  They're not only for you, they're about you!


  1. I'll have to give this more thought to think up original Facebook rules, but for now I will just support your three (and maybe come up with a rule along the way):

    Rule #1. I never experienced this one until semi-recently (within the past year) when I was trying to find a girl on Facebook that I had met in real life. I knew her first and last name, so I thought "this should only take a second to find her and friend her." Alas, there were no search results for her name. So, after like a half-an-hour of detective work, I finally tracked her down. Waaaay too much effort. Ladies, please use your real full name so I do not have to tell semi-creepy stories like this.

    Rule #2. Married people, your joy makes people like Jon and I sad, please post pictures of a more sorrowful occasion (just kidding!). Marriage and happiness are great, so that one doesn't really bother me. A picture of a couple making out as their profile pic, however, is disgusting and should immediately be removed. There, I made a rule. :)

    Rule #3. Happens to me all the time and creates the same cruel roller coaster of emotions.

  2. Rule #1--SOOOO annoying. I had one guy friend do this actually so that changes things. But he did it in order to not be found b/c of ex-girlfriend crap and eventually just deleted his facebook. But other than him it's totally just girls, and especially high school girls. Annoying. Good thing I chose that age group to do my life's work with...

  3. Agreed. On all three.

    Rule 1. I never had it happen to me where I've been searching for someone that turned out not to be using their full name, but apparently (and I thought this number was much lower) I am friends with 4 - FOUR! - people who have done just that to their name. Silly.

    Rule 2. Intriguingly, there are 5 people on my list (two of whom are married to each other, but which was only back in late Nov.) and I thought that number was significantly higher. Apparently some of my friends know and abide by this rule. Of the other three, only one was outside 6 mos, and even that was only 9 mos.

    Rule 3. I already get too much email, so I tried to limit that by limiting the notifications. That didn't work because then I didn't really get any. There should be a method where my RSVP of "no" precludes further contact.

    I'd like to further add:
    Rule 4. No interior designers or architects should have the ability to force me to change the way my home looks or functions. Not that I particularly mind the changes that have resulted so far, but I dislike my inability and lack of opportunity to get off the "aesthetics express" that is Facespace redesign.

  4. I agree with Nicholas's number 4 rule as well...I also think another rule needs to be added for those people who think it's appropriate to share intimate details about their personal life. Especially when they put it out there that they are having such a horrible day and that everything is going incredibly wrong, blah, blah...and then when someone says what's going on? you ok? they just respond with, don't worry about it...listen, if you're going to put your stuff out there, you shouldn't be cryptic. These people get removed from my news feed!

    Also, I like the extra little sections you added! I'm guessing Scot is the one I know and I honestly laughed out loud about the Kanes signal blog post...he has been trying to beat you guys for, what? 8 years? Oh Scot!

  5. This is more of a general societal rule, rather than a Facebook rule, but I'm going to introduce the zeroth law of Facebook:

    0. Facebook != Life (for those not familiar, this translates to "Facebook does not equal Life")

    Being a friend on Facebook does not define friendship in real life, a relationship does not need to be "FBO" the second it is initialized, and birthday posts rarely need to be given (Jon, you've somewhat covered this topic - the level one posts are worthless). There are plenty of other things to point out, but this is a good start.

  6. Jon Mathieu, you are hilarious. I like your rules. Something that irks me is when people post a link but don't put "http://" in front of it, so it's not clickable. Then I have to go to the trouble of copying and pasting the link into my browser. Annoying!

    Also, I was considering changing my profile to a wedding picture, because I'm bored of my current one (and haven't been doing anything fun lately), but apparently that's a bad idea. ;)

    Finally, every time I'm on facebook now I unfriend at least one person that I don't really know (or don't care about -- that's terrible). It's liberating!

  7. I can't believe I haven't read this one yet.

    another rule: If someone declines to join a group/like something/whatever else, DON'T INVITE THEM AGAIN!! I keep getting the same invite to the same thing over and over and because of your Rule #3, I do not accept. UGH!

    yet another rule: don't make your status say something to this degree, "wake up, school, practice, dinner with Sasha, movie, bed..." I DON'T CARE!! Maybe this is the mean side of Karen coming out, but come on...please agree with me.
