
art (it seems more artsy to use all lower case)

Of all the words out there that can mean a million different things, "art" might be the shortest.  With just three letters, the tiny word carries so much on its back... it reminds me of an "ant".  Sorry, the words are so similar, I had to do it.

But seriously, I think everyone is an artist in one way or another.  Today I thought we could take a few mini-tangents to various media of creativity.  I just decided that they'll all be Christmas related:

Poetry -- Christmas haiku
  • [Tangent-within-a-tangent: Did you know wikipedia claims haiku poems have lines of 5-7-5 moras, not syllables??  We've been making haiku wrong our whole lives!  Whatever, I'm sticking with what I know.]
Snow covers the road
My Corolla makes it home:
Christmas miracle
No room at the inn
The couple found a trough
The Word became flesh
One thing I don't get
About Rudolph the reindeer:
Why does his nose glow?

Visual art -- Whimsy4Windows

For whatever reason (the three main candidates are lack of talent, lack of interest, and a traumatic experience with an elementary school art teacher), I never really got into creating visual art.  But little did I know, all along my mom has been great at it!

She recently began an endeavor to create and sell "windows."  These are framed creations of faux stain glass that you hang in a window.  They look really cool as the sunlight goes through them.  Check them out here at her Etsy site

While it doesn't go with the Christmas theme, please note that the following window (which is sadly no longer listed on Etsy) is officially titled "Cowboy Bob."  Not Cowboy... Cowboy Bob.

Music (video) -- Sara Bareilles, all day every day

Okay, my obsession with Sara Bareilles is growing.  She has two winter-themed songs you can listen to for free on her site, and they're AMAZING.  Seriously, I would be willing to make one of those extreme movie-commercial stataments:

If you listen to one new winter-themed song this season, make it Winter Song by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson.  (Sorry for the commercial you'll probably have to watch first, but it's well worth it!  This video is really awesome.)

Your art and/or your favorite art
  1. Write a Christmas haiku or two and share as a comment
  2. Share links to whatever art is moving you right now


  1. The holidays suck
    But just for new staff kiddos
    As we raise support

    Chestnuts are roasting
    I tasted one in Rome once
    It was disgusting

    Sometimes I throw snow
    In hopes it nails someone's face
    Then I laugh out loud

    One time in my car
    I drove into a deep ditch
    Stupid snow packed roads...

    Jesus was born AMEN!
    Then He conquered death OH MY!
    Life. HALLELUJAH!!

    I could do this all day...

  2. Jon!!! I love the haiku! The Christmas miracle one is hilarious. =)
    Currently, the Sing Off is art that is moving me...This is a link to the Backbeats singing Break Even...the lead singer, she is amazing. Gives me chills/makes me tear up every time!

    P.S. -- I have that Sara Bareillis Song from a really sweet album called The Hotel Cafe presents Winter Songs...very solid CD. =) See you soon!!!

  3. My car is quite small
    Ohio snow piles up fast
    I need four wheel drive

    But that's not enough
    It needs to be tall to drive
    Over the big drifts

    Recently discovered Carl Bloch, 19th century Dutch painter. Quite amazing, and I am really impressed with the emotion he was able to capture in people's faces.

    The Annunciation

    In a Roman Osteria

  4. Christmas is coming
    If you need a gift for mom...
