
A blog of ideas

Welcome friends, family, strangers, enemies, frenemies.  I'm glad you're here!  To add to the brief description over to the right, I want this blog to be full of ideas.  Mine, yours, scholars', I don't care whose they are, as long as they are interesting, fun, or funny and can generate some good thoughts and discussions.

I want this to be as interactive as possible.  So please, please comment.  Our first order of business is to figure out what we're going to talk about.  What questions, mind-benders, events, mysteries, stories, and debates do you want to read about and discuss?  Here are some of my ideas, to help you brainstorm and to forecast the first several weeks of blog entries:

  • Why, O why, must the divisions of the MLB be unevenly sized?
  • College basketball: Big East vs. ACC
  • Just how bad is the Big East in football?
Theology and Faith
  • God's timelessness and its crazy implications
  • If there is a heaven and hell, what would be a "fair" system of judgment?
Mathematics and Philosophy
  • Certain unproven assertions of math on which tons of other math depends
  • The remarkable fact that "infinity", though it is incredibly important in math, doesn't seem to ever appear in nature
Miscellaneous Other Things

And so, please embark on this journey with me by doing these things:
  1. Comment on this entry with ideas of topics and ideas you'd like to see and discuss.  Anything's fair game, though I might reject some (especially political things).
  2. Bookmark and/or "follow" this blog so you can be a regular reader/contributor.
If you don't have any ideas, comment anyway.  It will encourage me, and I will blog with greater frequency and zeal.




    What do i want to read in here....? I have no clue. Just write about your life.

  2. So so happy your blog is back!! I know it was many, many years ago, but I thoroughly enjoyed your blog back in the day!

    I would like to discuss the dilemma in Gone Baby Gone...very intriguing situation.

    Also, a suggestion...this single person watches episodes of Full House until she falls asleep. =)

    Can't wait to read more! Love you double cousin!!!

  3. Hey Jon,
    Cool blog. Looking forward to future posts.

    Here are some few discussion points/ thought starters to kick it off.
    1. S. Hawking's new book and his new position that God doesn't exist 2. Merging between the virtual world and real world (3D TV, geo-tagging, social scanning, group buying, etc) 3. M Leinart not ever getting a chance to prove himself as a starter 4. The double rainbow guy selling out to Microsoft 5. Apple's new ipod product portfolio 6. How Ben Affleck is typecasted as the same guy in every movie

    That's all i could write down on the spot but hope it helps to start some conversations!

  4. JM! Glad you're back to blogging! I don't have ideas (that's why I haven't updated my own blog in so long...), but I always enjoy whatever it is you choose to write about. We WILL talk soon; until then, blog away!

    {Exec Team!}

  5. Well, I personally want to discuss why the divisions of the MLB are unevenly sized. And a close second would be the many unproven assertions of math.

    Ok so I will only slightly follow you (understand you... not not read your blog) about half the subjects you mentioned.

    After you told me about God's timelessness I went and read that chapter in Systematic Theology. I love it! I was struck by Psalm 90:4 "For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past or as a watch in the night."

    I know it's just a cool analogy to show us how vividly God knows things and not to be taken literally. But I started to think if 1,000 yrs are like yesterday than 2,000 years are like 2 days ago. If a watch in the night is 3 hours, than 6 hours ago would be like 2,000 years ago. And that is how vividly God knows Jesus' death. Those are just some thoughts I had... so if you want to talk about God's timelessness I'm all for that!

  6. All intriguing ideas (and I second both the MLB divisions and the Matt Leinart discussion mentioned in the comments). Looking forward to more!

  7. Hey buddy, I think most things you put on here are going to be worth discussing. Some of the things that I think would be intriguing are the imbalance of the MLB divisions, if next year is really "The Year" for the Pirates, what goes into the making of good Kanes signals, and depending on how things go you may want to address social problems such as why front wiping is wrong and cell phone etiquette.
