
Coke and Pepsi


For as long as I can remember, I've liked Coke more than Pepsi.  In addition, I've liked Cherry Coke more than "Wild" Cherry Pepsi, Vanilla Coke more than Pepsi Vanilla, and, most important to my life recently, Coke Zero more than Pepsi Max. [Note: I cannot and will not compare Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, because they both taste so awful to me.]

I could just leave it at that and call it a day.  But, as per a strange part of the human condition, I'm not satisfied merely stating my opinion; I want to prove it to be objectively true, whether by science, mathematics, or somehow getting every human being to adopt the same opinion.

And so, I hereby plant my flag that in every way, Coke is better than Pepsi.

Coke vs. Pepsi: the definitive comparison
If the chart I threw together on Microsoft Paint doesn't convince you, nothing will

Growing up, I appreciated not only the taste of Coke products, but the perceived creativity and trail-blazing of the whole Coke product line.  Seriously, when I was a teen, I seemed to notice that Coke would release a product, then Pepsi would soon roll out a rival version of that same product.  This happened often enough that I began to view Coca-Cola as a visionary and brilliant company and Pepsi-Cola as a reactionary, copycat group of hacks.

Recently, as I pondered the superiority of Coke, I wondered if this pattern were real or just the illusory perception of a guy who cares too much about cola.  So, I went to the one source that we all know to be unfailingly true (not to mention an old friend of this blog)-- Wikipedia.

Here are my findings:

[Note: It may seem unfair for me to credit Coke with the victory in diet colas based on TaB. The Diet Pepsi Wikipedia page clearly doesn't.  But I think it makes perfect sense, as the existence and early popularity of TaB -- a Coca-Cola product -- appears to be the sole reason that Diet Coke wasn't produced until the 80s.]

Obviously, a clear and decisive victory for the guys in red.  But you might be wondering if I've played some sort of statistics/chart trick on you.  Maybe I've only included those products that would favor Coke?

But alas, if you look at the column on the left, you'll see I've selected the major cola developments.  Sure, I could have thrown in crazy stuff like Pepsi Clear or Coca-Cola BlaK, but those didn't last and thus don't represent successful steps forward.  The one important type absent from the chart is the "alternative recipe zero-calorie version marketed specifically to males", i.e. Coke Zero and Pepsi Max.  This was just way too difficult to sort out, as Zero predates Max, but Pepsi used to have a completely different ginseng-infused product called "Diet Pepsi Max" and also Pepsi One, which, while featuring different sweeteners and no male-specific marketing, was an alternative diet drink.

So, in the most important areas of cola innovation, Coca-Cola has five times led the way, to Pepsi's one.  But look at it this way, Pepsi fans-- you guys pioneered caffeine-free cola! You know, that drink that's perfect for when you want a non-alcoholic calorie-rich carbonated beverage but still want to be able to fall asleep soon.

Rock-and-roller Cola Wars
To quote Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire"

Everyone please chime in:

Do you drink pop? ("Soda", for those of you who grew up with a bleak and miserable childhood.)
If so, what's your cola of choice?



  1. Coke is definitely the winner whether we go off of your sweet Paint image or the fact that Coke just tastes better. I'm a bit disappointed that in your list of concessions from the aforementioned image, you didn't list the fact that Pepsi was the revolutionary force behind whatever the heck Pepsi Blue was.

    Vanilla Coke, for those who don't know, is the second greatest liquid on the planet.

  2. SODA. Oh, and diet coke and diet pepsi are all I drink (soda wise). They are different, but I like them both... a lot. Too much. I wish I didn't!

  3. I'll give it to Coke for all originality, forging the way as is shown by your graph, etc...and I really do like the idea of Coke better...but my favorite soda is definitely Wild Cherry Pepsi; Cherry Coke unfortunately doesn't compare. The polar bear commercials are overkill to me as well, but that's a whole other subject:-)

  4. I would also like to add in that Coke did contain Cocaine until 1903, whereas Pepsi never did. Up to you on which company gets the win for that one...

  5. I agree across the board, so enough said. Except to say that when I moved South and discovered Sonic, and subsequently, the magic of the cherry limeade...all bets were off on colas.

    Having said that, I use Coke to bribe myself through radiation treatments, so it must be pretty powerfully wonderful stuff, because anything that can convince me to get out of bed at 7:30 and fight through (sparing details here)...ummm, golden. God-given. Celestial. Etc.

    Great post!
