
Bachelor Food, September 2011: Learning from Full House

Before I dish out culinary wisdom (HA!), I want to address my horrific job of blogging lately.  I thought when I returned from my summer travels, I would "settle into a normal schedule" and thus regular blogging would automatically resume.  Unfortunately, that normal schedule is actually really busy and unpredictable, so blogging instead fell by the wayside.

But no longer!  I realize that, like anything else not actually in my weekly calendar, writing on this site is a discipline.  A ridiculous, funny, interactive discipline.

And now onto what I'm sure you've been waiting for...

The culinary wisdom of Michelle Tanner

If you're anywhere near my age and grew up with a TV, I'm confident you've seen the first 6-ish seasons of this show in their entirety.  Thus, I'm sure you'll remember Season 5, Episode 25 (Captain Video, Pt. 1).  The episode overview from tv.com says this:

"[Michelle] is determined to earn her first [Girl Scouts] badge for her cooking talents, but how will the family react when it is time to sample some of her homemade treats?"

Spoiler alert: they react badly.

They react badly because Michelle is concocting some really vile dishes.  She is making the rookie mistake (she is a 5-year-old, so she's allowed to do that) of thinking that if she likes two foods separately, she will like them together.  But don't worry; Uncle Jesse is able to set her on the right track with his characteristically sage words:

"Alright, let me give you a little tip-- you like pudding, you like cheese, so you put 'em together. You like ice cream, you like tuna, again...you put 'em together. Stop putting things together! You gotta lose the combo deal. Just try one thing; try something simple."

My Michelle moment

I don't have an actual cooking story that mirrors Michelle's.  I didn't go down the treacherous path of "Tuna Cream."  But the principle that two separately good foods aren't necessarily good together is real.  Even when it seems like the foods would be great together!

Take, for example, Stacy's Pita Chips.  This is, maybe, the best crunchy and salty snack ever made.  You can pretty much dip these guys in anything and the result is amazing.  Or you can just eat them straight up.

Then consider peanut butter.  Mmmmm. You can dip practically any edible thing in peanut butter and receive a delightful treat in return.

AND YET, the combination of Stacy's and peanut butter just... isn't... good.  I can't explain it.  It's one of those things where as you're eating it, you think, "Eh, this isn't terrible, but I'd rather be eating this pita chip by itself.  Or this peanut butter by itself."

The Tanner family and you

Any stories of failed taste combinations?  ...of life lessons from Full House?



  1. food:
    macaroni and cheese and ketchup...don't ask why, but it involves me making up things i thought i saw my Dad do once and so i tried it.

    peanut butter and chocolate...yeah, that's right, i went there.

    celery and literally anything else.

    full house:
    be careful of twins. even the hot, beach volleyball, swimsuit model, Swedish ones. they are literally nothing but trouble.

    despite sit-com evidence to the contrary, laughs, marginally cute smiles and baby-talk do nothing to assuage the pain caused by misbehaved children.

    being an ironic greaser is cool...if you're in San Francisco, capital of hipsters.

  2. I have a friend who likes peanut butter and mayo on saltines. ew. good post!

  3. I don't have much to say about this post, but I will contribute my two cents. First, what's with the "Stacy's - Simply Naked" pita chips...those things are disgusting with or without anything! Secondly, peanut butter & mayo sandwiches sounds and smells horrid - my father and sister both enjoy this concoction. Yeah Full House!

  4. Life lesson from Full House (kind of): A couple of months ago, DJ Tanner came to speak at my church for a women's event, and they played this video I had made with the church. Incredibly trippy moment (right?!), because I spent my childhood watching DJ on the screen, but that night, she was watching ME on a screen, and I realized...God can put you in situations you'd never have dreamed. As a 10-year-old DJ-idolizer who had never heard of Jesus, that moment would have been unthinkable. All the same, God knew it 16 years ago, and it was all the same to Him. There you go. Life lesson from Full House (kind of).
